Today I’m pleased to welcome fellow Wattpadre author (Wattpadres is a group of 12 Wattpad authors) Lindsey Lippincott to the blog. I hope you enjoy getting to meet Lindsey and don’t forget to check out her book!
1. How did you find Wattpad?
I found Wattpad through my roommate. She had been writing on the site for a couple years, and she said I should try it. From that day forward, I haven’t looked back!
2. What made you decide to start writing and sharing your stories on Wattpad?
I had tried writing a couple times before starting on Wattpad, but it just never worked out for me. I would get maybe a chapter in, but then would convince myself that what I was doing was crap and that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, so I would just stop. It wasn’t until I posted on Wattpad and people read and commented on my work that I actually wrote and completed works. Shadow’s Edge was the first work I wrote and completed.
3. What is your favorite part about being a member of the Wattpadres?
My favorite part of being a part of the Wattpadres is the sense of community we have. Vic has called it a cuddle puddle, and that truly is what the group is. We cheer one another on, celebrate successes, give pushes when someone gets down, help each other work through particularly tricky parts in our stories. It’s a writing group that supplies us with everything we need to keep going and be successful.
4. What is the best advice you would give to writers looking to start on Wattpad?
The best piece of advice I would give to people looking to start on Wattpad is to take your time. I jumped right into the writing and posting. You’re not going to get many followers that way. It’s hard to get discovered on Wattpad, so you need to wait until you’ve built yourself up a bit. Read some stories that are like yours, leave some comments, get to know other authors and readers, join the clubs and introduce yourself there.
You also want to wait until you have some of your story done. People like reading finished works rather than ones that are still ongoing. I find that many people put my incomplete stories in reading lists that say something like “To Read When Finished” or something along those lines. So write out a good portion of your story so you can update regularly to keep the interest, and so people know you’re not just going to stop on them.
5. Your Wattpad bio tells me you are a major fangirl. What fandoms are you a part of?
5. I am a huge fangirl! My top favorite fandoms are Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Sherlock. I’m really a fan of that British television. I sure love me some accents. Haha.
6. Do you have any weird writing habits?
My writing habits change regularly, just like my interests. I just can’t make up my mind. Sometimes I have to listen to some super epic music in order to get into the writing mood, sometimes I have to listen to that indie music, and other times, I need complete silence.
I’m also completely disorganized with where I write. The majority of my writing is on the computer, but I often put it down in notebooks…notebooks that are supposed to be for class notes. Haha. That being said, it’s often difficult to remember what is in what notebook.
7. What are your favorite genres to write in? Are they the same you read in?
My favorite genres to write in are fantasy/paranormal. I really enjoy reading in these genres as well. I’ve recently been working on expanding my horizons both for reading and writing. I’m mainly a YA girl, but I’m trying to write some new adult (NA). I’m also working on writing some general fiction, I’ve dabbled in horror, and I’m looking to keep expanding.
8. What stories can we look forward to from you next?
I have a ton of story ideas written down that I will hopefully be writing and posting. I have a YA Paranormal in the beginning stages called Bridge of Souls, which is a twist on the Grim Reaper. I also have a new adult (NA) fiction about a girl with a promising future who falls into some trouble with drugs, and her journey down that deep, dark path.
9. What is the latest book or story you have read and loved? Please tell us a bit about the book and what you loved about it.
I’ve been reading the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas recently, and I absolutely LOVE it! It’s about a teenage girl who we first meet as she’s in the salt mines prison for hefty crimes. She’s Adarlan’s Assassin. It follows her story as she’s brought out by the Prince to compete in a contest to be the King’s Champion.
It’s a YA fantasy that keeps you on the edge of your seat. It’s packed with action, romance, betrayal, danger, more romance, and massive discoveries. It’s a book I would recommend to anyone.
10. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live and why?
If I could live anywhere, I would choose either Canada or London. I really loved London when I was over there. The people seemed nice, and the area was awesome, but it’s rather expensive to live anywhere near the city. Canada is pretty chill. I haven’t been there, but from what I’ve heard from people who have, it’s a nice place. It’s also home to Wattpad, so that’s a plus. Haha.
About the Author:
Lindsey Lippincott is a journalism and public relations major creeping her way through college, and a lover of all things unnatural and inhuman. Surviving on caffeine and sugar, she’ll stay up to the wee hours of the morning alongside her roommate if it means finishing one more chapter.
When not in class, working, or writing, you can find her binge watching Lost Girl and Haven on Netflix.
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About the Book:
Mara, a young, new witch, must learn to control her powers while facing boys, Nightshades, and a secret organization that has been following her for years.
With the help of a fae princess, a werewolf prince and his best friend, there’s nothing they can’t face.
Or does something more sinister lurk within Mara’s own mind?
When is Book 2 of The Avalon in Chronicles coming out?
Hi Brenda, I’m busy working on book 2 and hope to have it ready by the end of the year for release early next year. Thanks so much for your patience, I really appreciate it.