I’m honored to be on A World of Books for an interview. Read the excerpt below and check out the full interview on A World of Books.
1. What inspired you to write The Last of the Firedrakes? Did the story change as you wrote it?
For this particular book and series, it all started nearly ten years ago, with a tapestry in my grandmother’s house. One day I stood before it and wondered, what if I could step into the tapestry, where would I end up? And so the world of Avalonia sprang into existence.
From then on, the person who stepped into the tapestry was a young sixteen-year-old girl who didn’t know who she really was, her name was Aurora, and this is her story.
The story changed a lot, actually. As I wrote it the characters kept changing and having their own personalities. That influenced the plot in many ways.
2. Are there any parts of your book that you love and other people do not like or vice versa?
I’d have to say this would be Aurora’s character. I think her naivety and trusting nature is endearing. Some people find her silly and immature, but I don’t think she is. She does have a curious personality and that’s what gets her into trouble.
3. What kind of music do you listen to whilst writing or do you prefer silence?
Most of the time I prefer silence. But sometimes I listen to music. It can be a variety of songs, but wherever Rafe is in an action scene I like to listen to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song. 🙂
Ooh thanks for posting this, I had fun doing this writing this interview and reading your answers.
Thank you so much for featuring me Emma. I Really appreciate it!